Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Get Off The Couch!!!

Meet Comet, He really isn't a couch potato, however I sure laugh every time I see him sitting like this, which these days is often. I think he learned it from me some years ago before I realized how much I enjoy exercising. Here we were renting a camper in the Finger Lakes of NY while traveling on PCS orders, fun NOT.

Anyhow, Comet doesn't really have anything to do with what I am about to write about, but he sure is cute!
The couch, it's comfortable, cozy, and has a warm blanket I can snuggle up to on a cool day, (and some days when it's hot and I am loosing the air conditioner wars also), so why in the world would I ever want to get up off the couch. There are so many reasons but today, I specifically want to talk about Couch to 5 k program. I started this class at my local YMCA and we are in week 6 right now. The program is phenomenal, I am having a lot of fun challenging myself to get out and run again.
When we lived in WA, which seems like ages ago now, I ran with a group. I have so missed the camaraderie and friendship that comes along with it, that was two years ago. I must admit that even though I have been exercising regularly since arriving in NY, I have not done much running mostly because I missed my group, my friends, and even the familiarity of the roads(mountains) that we ran on out west. I have to say that when I was asked if I ever thought about taking this class, I thought, why would I pay for a class when I can go out and run for free. Well, I decided that I would jump in and see what it is all about. I have become a complete die hard advocate for the Couch to 5k (c25k) running program.

This systematic program can literally get just about anybody with the ability to move off the couch and running in a short matter of 9-10 weeks! (even me) How about that? The program starts out slow and works its way up into longer paced running periods. Right from the starting line, everyone can feel success after the first day 1 workout! I suppose that it helps that the class has a great and supportive instructor (Thanks Laurie) and lots of supportive running mates (you know who you are!) The class meets once a week and we have homework 2 more times a week! Can you believe it, a fitness class with homework? Well I am certain that it is what makes the whole process a possibility! It also helps that I have a running buddy, thanks Alison, to do all my homework with and help keep me on target!

If you don't' have a class in your area you can just follow the plans listed on, linked above. I have been using these podcasts (ipod and mp3 format) and it makes it so simple, no time keeping necessary as Robert (virtual timekeeper) does all the hard work for you and gives you some music to listen to as well!
There is more information about c25k here.
So what are you waiting for? Running (and any exercise) is good for your heart, sanity and much more. So get up get off the couch and start running!! Go! Go Now! Then come back and tell me all about it!!!

1 comment:

lalon said...

You're posts are so fun to read. I'd like to try a 5k ... maybe that would speed me up a bit! :)