Monday, June 8, 2009

Where there is smoke...

There is my compost finally doing it's thing.... Can you believe that layer after layer my darn compost is finally heating up. There was even condensation on the lid when I opened it up today. Also, on the note of compost, before I got my bin, we had what we called the 'bunny pile' and it that place there is some very interesting plants growing from there. I am curious and excited to know if it is going to be something edible as most of what got put back there was food scraps. I will update when I know! I have the garden ready for planting. Just have to figure out how to keep the darn squirrels out of it. The sproutlings are ready to go into the ground. I will be doing it tomorrow. The cucumbers are in the ground, and I hope to get Nikolas outside today to plant his sunflower seeds.


Denise Punger MD IBCLC said...

There is a purpose for guns in this world and I've told my kids they can shoot the squirrels that eat from my trees. :)

If you find an easier way let me know.

crispy said...

where is the picture of your compost...? I'd love to see it.

fitncrafty said...

The photo didn't turn out unfortunately... I wish it did...

Denise you are funny! No guns here I am afraid... very afraid...