Sunday, August 10, 2008

Maybe I have Half a Green Thumb!!

Here's a side view of my cucumber plants.. I am sorry you can't really see the flowers. They are bright yellow and there is a billion of them under there... I sure hope I am going to be eating LOT of cukes soon..... Here's another view of my cucumber plants. You can see a bit of yellow flower there.. In front is a few basil plants.... yummy!! Here is my potted basil.... It's gold and In a few more weeks it's going to be pesto!! This is my stevia plant. Last time I took a photo of it, it was to the second window division. Look at it now, I still have to learn about how to harvest it. I am SO amazed it's still alive, It really seems to love my entryway window!


Denise Punger MD IBCLC said...

That stevia is gorgeous!
Do you have more basil in other pots?

Do you know if you drop the flowers of basil into the dirt when you pinch them off, is it easy to grow more basil?

Jenny said...

Wow! Your stevia looks awesome! You need some bees to pollinate those cucumber flowers...

fitncrafty said...

Hey Jenny.. wanna bring some of your bees over to help with the pollination???

Denise Punger MD IBCLC said...

I hope your stevia is still growing. I just read what to do with it in Kristen's Raw Getting Started... Book.

Take a leaf off and add it to your smoothie. That's it. Now you can enjoy unprocessed stevia. Now that I know what to do with it, I need to get one. I saw it at the Farmer's Market and passed because at that time I didn't know what to do.

If you try it let me know.