Why the typo you ask? No typo, however pun intended. See this girl on the left, well that was me. yup... me! Notice I said WAS because I am no longer that sad girl on S.A.D. What is S.A.D. well it's the standard American diet.
Humm... you know the one. Golden Arches and toys for the kids, cheese in the crust, ingredients you can't pronounce let know what they are, from the box, in the freezer, You mean french fries used to be potatoes? Wow. So if you see, this is where I say pun intended, because the smile is really just a farce of a scared and insecure woman, and certainly not
indicative of a happy person. After years of hard work, exercise and eating healthy foods(you know the ones, the kind you pull right off the plants) Not only have I said good-bye to S.A.D. but I have also said good-bye to being sad! I have found for me that there is such a correlation to,
caffeine, sugar, processed foods and depression, cravings and generally feeling tired, bloated and miserable. After several years of giving up fast food, refined food, boxed food and focusing on healthy homemade foods, I have to say that I am thrilled to say a big adios to the diet that has taken over America. I have a choice, if I want health and inner peace, if I want to be energetic, or tired, if I want to sleep well, be well and have a generally balanced life. I have given up instant gratification from food, for a deep and nourishing peace. For the energy to actually walk to the park with my children, even though I had gone for a long hard run that morning. I enjoy making my food,creating nourishing meals, and sitting at the table with my family to enjoy the blessing of health and share about our day. Food is fuel, so I finally realize that sometimes you get what your pay for. Sure organic locally grown food may be a little more costly, but I care to think about it like this. How many
co pays am I going to save, because I am healthy and not going to the doctors,
humm... how much does it cost for a week long vacation in the hospital after triple
bi pass surgery? Missing work, and missing the biggest blessing in life being with my family... So I have to ask. Next time you pull up the the clown face with a speaker box, ask yourself, where do you really want to be in your life? How would you like your body to feel? Would you like more energy? How about not saying you hate to exercise because inside you know you can't do it? So I challenge you, to make one good choice for yourself, getting away from the S.A.D. and slow down enough to enjoy life and what it has to offer. I would love to hear about your choices and share in mine. I am always up for new recipes and new things to do to
improve health. The Lady on the right, that's me too.. and my daughter. It's proof that healthy choices, exercise and positive attitude go a long way to a good

life. For today I am going to pick, slowing down and enjoying each moment. No more S.A.D. for me.....or being sad!
This is an awesome and inspiring post. I stared at the photos for a few hours before I began to comment. I don't think I ever saw you’re before photo. You've worked hard and you ought to be very proud. I wish I could have been a better support to you (and me!) at the beginning of your journey. I really like how you are focusing on the healthy ingredients.
Like you said, what is a little extra in paying for organics and for chemical free food when you will be so much healthier? It’s a long term investment. And is organic groceries that much more expensive than fast food? It may be more expensive than conventional produce, but it is that much more expensive than eating out.
Keep up the good work! Your blog is going to be very popular.
You look amazing! Good for you!
Denise.... You have always been a great support, and now is really when I need it most of all. It has been great to share this part of my journey.. so thanks to you...
Lauren... thanks so much!
Are you getting that I am amazed? I knew you had lost weight, but wow!
Keep it up chicky!
I too hadn't seen your before pic. Wow! You've worked really hard and it was so worth it! Love that purple dress. I just took a magazine out of the library and thought of you. It's called "Eating Well". You should check it out!
You go girl! It's all about the Ingredients! Not about the calories or the fat grams! Our bodies want real food! It's their fuel! Your car wouldn't run if you put the wrong fuel in it. So why do we expect our bodies to run off of things that were never inteded to be our fuel!
This health journey is so fun isn't it! As I have learned and keep learning it makes so much sense it's like remember something I already knew!
Keep up the great journey!
Thanks Tam! I agree and that is exactly what I tell others! I am looking forward to reading your blog more and I will definately share when I try some of your recipes!
Thank you so much for sharing this post with me today. I am so glad that we found each other and that we are getting to know each other better on facebook. You're pictures are amazing. Keep up the great work and remember I'm here for you chicky. Let's try and do the Muddy Buddy together next year somewhere. It would be fun. Talk to you soon. Melissa
Wow!!! Carrie, I am seriously touched by this post. What an incredible transformation, and for all the right reasons. Thank you for sharing it with me and thank you for being an inspiration :)
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