Monday, June 9, 2008

School Days

I had lots of time to think this morning as I went out for a 3 mile run.(really a jog as I am pretty slow) Running is very meditative for me, it gives me a time to think without too much interruption, except for a few cars passing by. I have been so busy these last few weeks, with field days at school, end of year concerts, breakfasts, field trips and so on that it was fabulous to just get out, and spend some time with myself. Seems ironic that as everyone is finishing up school, and getting ready for summer, I am actually starting school tonight. Yes me, I am going back to school. What is an almost 40 yr old Mom doing going back to school? Well I am embarking on a new journey, part of my own journey to wellness and partly because I have a strong desire to help others as well. You see 4 years ago I went through a major transformation in my life, losing over 100lbs(NO pills, NO surgery involved) Ever since then, I have been asked over and over how did I do it? What did you do? Through this I realized that I have the ability to really give back, help people out, and to take the experience and put the education behind it, would be a great combination. So tonight I have orientation to begin my MS in Holistic Nutrition at Hawthorn University. I am excited to embark on this new journey as the more I know, the more I grow. Then the more I can give back. It is amazing how much I have learned on my own, however, I know that there is just so much more that I can learn. There is always more, be it formal education or just getting out there and reading and experiencing life. So here I go, embarking on a new journey, wish me luck and get ready to read. I am sure that there will be so much more I will have to say(type) when I get going with my first classes.

1 comment:

Red said...

I wish more poeple would relaize that it si possible to take weight off without surgery. Is it easy, absolutely not. One might think because I am normal sized person I might call losing weight easy, but I know the struggles overweight people go through.

My entire family on my mothers side were obese, and yet all of my siblings are maintaining ideal weight. Are we saints? No, but we know when to say no. I love a good slice of cheesecake like the next Joe, but I just don't eat the entire cake.

Good for you and getting more education about what is better for your body. I was never a runner, more of a walker, but I cant even do that. So it's just me and my three whleein' bike.