Friday, July 11, 2008

Update on Baby Basil

Well, here's Baby Basil. Starting to finally grow. I have a feeling that before to long one of two things will happen. One: The ants will come back and baby basil will never make my yummy pesto. Two: Baby Basil will get so big no one will recognize him anyore. Sad thing happened a few days ago. I went out to water and baby basil, and cousins(oregano and parsley, they are in identical pots on my deck rail) were infested with ants. Oregano is no more, there is not even a little seeding to speak of, all that's left today is a few pupae from the ants that thought my organic gardening soil was a great place to call home! Well, I lost most of the parsley but there is still a chance some parsley may grow yet. Baby Basil got lucky I guess, still going. I completely covered the soil in both pots with Cinnamon( I have used it to chase away ant piles in other places outside the house) It always smells like apple pie at the front door. So now I wait, to see if my herbs will survive. Anyone have any other non-chemical ways to get rid of ants?


MamaOnABudget said...

I *just* read this on another site...

junglemama said...

I just hate ants. They love to eat roots.